How to sleep fast naturally

Natural home remedy for sleep

For good health good sleep is very important , sleeping boost our immune system. Now a days most of the people are facing one common problem that is sleeping problem.
In today's world earning money has become a big challenge because this ,  people are going to the extent of sacrificing their sleep ,thinking for too long, taking stress and improper  food habits etc all these are causing eventually health problems especially which includes sleeplessness .
If we don't sleep properly we tent to get  a lot of other health issue, primarily it directly effect our immune system , other problems like Heart attack, High blood pressure ,Stoke, Heart failure may also be caused.

 Sleeping is of   three types Light sleep, Deep sleep and Dream sleep.
When a person is on light sleep , he wakes up easily by light noises , it is also called N1 sleep and N2 sleep , thought out   the night only five percentage of sleep is acquired by light sleep and fifty percent is acquired by deep sleep , during the deep sleep our immune system get boosted and all our injured are healed fast and our bones & muscles become stronger.  Dream sleep its also names as a rapid eye moment sleep by scientists during this sleep our brain will be very active and while our body will not any effect , person gets twenty five percent of this sleep during the night .

Important practice

Schedule your sleep properly example 9 :30 pm to 5:30 am please follow the same daily.
A normal person should sleep at least six to eight hours per night.

Natural   Sleeping tip or sleeping remedy  at home                                 

Ingredient  required

Coriander leaves
green leaf   health basic tips


Take some coriander leaves wash them thoroughly in a bowl and cut them into small pieces, put them in mixer grinder , pour some water , grind them completely.

How to consume 

Drink two tablespoons of coriander juice early in the morning before eating anything , because this coriander helps our glands in our body to sleep fast , It also has other banalities like if we take one table spoon coriander juice and one tablespoon honey together before going to bed , as it contains several vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C , all the disease which are caused by iron deficiency are kept away by this .

Other benefits of coriander are

Reduce the Blood Sugar , Increase the performance of Digestive system, Lower the Blood Pressure, Defend the Food Poisoning, Cholesterol Levels are optimized ,Urinary Tract Infections are reduced Helps the Healthy Menstrual Function and also stops the Neurological Inflammation &diseases etc.

Thank you for following this tip.

Source: Images from Pexabay and information from natural health books and other resource.
Posted on February 18 2018


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